

Take a Bow

Huh~ What a nice Song!!
Take a bow by Rihanna.
I found this song for very long time already!!
Finally, i got it i got it!!
I love Rihanna... 's songs and her voice.
Her songs are SO NICE, Super NICE!!
Her voice is so... magnetic!

The very first song i get to know about this girl is Unfaithful.
Then the second love song i love so much is Cry.
I cant believe she is just 20 years!
Others R&B songs are very energetic too!!
Support Rihanna~

Rihanna - Take A Bow
Ohh, how about a round of applause,
Yeah, standin' ovation,
Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.

You look so dumb right now,
Standin' outside my house,
Tryin' to apologize,
You’re so ugly when you cry,
Please, just cut it out.

Don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not,
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught,
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.

Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),
Talkin’ 'bout girl, I love you, you’re the one,
This just looks like the re-run,
Please, what else is on.

And don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not (mmm),
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught (mmm),
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh.

And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),
For makin' me believe that you could be paithful to me,
Let's hear your speech out,
How about a round of applause,
A standin' ovation.

But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow.

But it's over now.

Meeting Now

huhu, what am I doing here? While the time they are meeting in the office, im blogging. So naughty~ I wonder why my PC can be launched Internet today. This opportunity cannot be lost so easily must let me blogging a bit ma.

I have to go back Terengganu next Saturday jor, sad lor~ Haiz~ Ya, last Friday i took leave personally, with no reason, maybe should say ya there are some reasons la. but all are nonsense reasons lor. Grabbing some nice Bras during the Windsir promotion period at its factory just near my house, going to banks, buying some daily essential when the time i stay in Terengganu, having a nice lunch at Old Ipoh Town, online and shopping of course. The whole day i can do so many things, compared with staying in office and do the same thing without S. It such a so meaningful day. Haha.

These few days im rushing to finish my report submit to my company, so pity. AI~ why they want the reports ler? They wont check pun. They even maybe dont know what we are doing pun. I mean the Human Resource staffs. Due to my cert and my allowance, i will guai guai do it lor.

四 阴晴不定

现在在这里每天都看到日出日落,多么的幸福。早上七早八早上班,等太阳下山的时候就是我下班了。一整天都在办公室里吹冷气 ,喘着厚厚的寒衣,真的爽咯。皮肤又可以比较白,可是对得电脑多也不见得皮肤会比较好。如果一个礼拜不做面膜,皮肤就没有很滑,不爽咯。每个星期要敷面膜。



二 天晴+大太阳



虽然我承认我喜欢过很多人,可是我还是个专一的人咯。自从某某之后,我不知道之前的算不算是我喜欢过的人。现在我又“喜欢”一个人了。那个感觉就像像当年“喜欢”三德副校长的时候。他就是我的监督人。看到他就很兴奋的咯。还蛮帅的说。鼻子挺挺,眼睛大大,身材瘦瘦。只是。。有点秃头。 他随身携带手帕。 我对带手帕或面纸的男生给的评价特别高。 当然手帕是男生用的手帕,不是我之前带上学的女生毛毛手帕。它象征整洁,注重个人卫生。说过了我喜欢干净的男生,最好有点洁癖。哈哈~




昨天下午只请妈妈吃了一餐secret recipe。


三: 还是炎热

赖床不想上班已经是一种习惯,虽然我很不愿意变成习惯的说~ “明天我请了假没有上班”就是我常对家人说的口头禅。

二 : 炎热还是炎热

今天一整天在慌神。早上起来想起原来我昨晚患有全世界-发了一整晚的梦。当然不只是一个梦,零零散散的几个梦,从我的朋友们,老朋友当中少不了的那三位好姊妹,还有嘉欣,我的监督人(supervisor),还有列国威。大家可不要胡思乱想哦。一大班老朋友聚会,遇见我的监督人。梦里还有音乐,就是当某某打电话来的铃声,也是我监督人电话响的铃声 - Micheal Jackson的You're not alone。那时是我监督人的电话响,然后我就很兴奋的跟朋友介绍那是我的监督公。梦到一半,跑去了海底,遇见李心洁,想起她演的海底电影。不久后,Chipmunks就唱歌“Ar ar ar ar~ Talk about it2~Move it~”呼唤我起床了。
实在很不想起床,酱舒服的床还有很香~的抱枕真的让我难以抗拒,唉~为了我的责任我还是起床了。来到公司,一看到那个东西需要用脑想我就很讨厌,还要对着那些密密麻麻的字,我的眼睛就快支撑不住了~ 管他的~ 慢慢做,看我心情办,嘻嘻。做这行都是很看脾气和心情的,脾气不好,心情不爽会间接影响效果,可能还会有反效果,比如键盘被打烂,印象大折扣(不爽就大骂粗口)。

一 : 天晴之余也炎热

头脑笨笨的我,脑袋永远转得比别人慢。上班上了这么久,一直以为不能打拼华语字,结果用英文打了一堆兰英文贴在部落格。直到今天才灵机一动,在视窗里附加华语拼字。我也觉得自己超级迟钝。也对我这个脑袋哭笑不得。有时候还挺聪明的~ 其实部门里的同事都知道我笨笨的。那位胖胖的同事每次跟我讲解他要我附加活该东西时,我都得要求他多讲几次。“不要意思,你可不可以重复?嘻嘻。”结果他每次都跟我来纸上谈兵,就是每次他都必须把他要的东西花在纸上解释给我听。 他说:“我知道你记性不好,我还是写在纸上比较好。” 对,我还有更厉害的,就是记性很不好。胖陈说:“你是怎么做出来的?” 我想了想,觉得很乱,头脑里装了很多codes而且没有把它们整齐的放好,结果我对他说:“哎呀,死了,我很乱,不记得了,你给点时间我找一下,嘻嘻。” 由于记性不好,我对方向很陌生。记得刚来上班我迷路的情况,全部门的人都知道我是路痴。“你记得带着她,不然她又失踪了。” 要不然就是 “你会不会自己回去办公室?我要去‘看水’”(那时我跟周同事一起到楼上找人谈公事)还有 “你会不会来MIS啊?有事找你” 结果大家都当我是小妹妹。 就连上星期五刚走的实习生也觉得我笨笨的。其实他年纪小我一年,可是他在这里实习的时间比我长,而且他时常都跟师傅们在工厂里到处走,结果什么大小事我都会问他。至今我只会去电脑部门,食堂,厕所,就连取过两次的电房我也好像忘记了。每次他跟我说话,有时我还来不及给他反应,我就会整个人自动愣在那里。他看到了就会跟我说:“好了好了,吃饭了。” 或择 “不要想了,快吃饭吧。” 有一次便走回办公室的路途中看到工厂里的迷你店没开门,我就好奇的问:“为什么没有开的?” “搬了去那里” “那里是哪里?” “我们办公室戈壁。”(我的监督人说) “我们办公室戈壁?!” 眼睛跟嘴巴长得更大。 “就在你桌子旁边。” “哈?” 停了一下那位实习生说:“你还傻傻不知道?” 他就指指右边的方向。“在里面。” “噢~” (其实我还是不知道在那里,嘻嘻~)





呼呼~从The Face Shop换去用The Body Shop。
下次有会换什么呢?The Skin Food?





super lucky + happy day

Early morning, again im feeling sleepy. sambil editing the website sambil mengantuk. SUDDENLY, i got a msg from ryanne. "The result come out ler". Im still feeling sleepy. no responce. After awhile, after i digested all the words in the msg, shit lor. so scare. Hehe, then i fast fast msg somebody to help me check the result. But i didnt rush him coz i know he was at outside that time. I wait patiently and editing my webpages. SUDDENLY, i got a call from somebody. "what is your ic number i just remember until 38" "What my ic also cannot remember? Heng~" After awhile again, somebody called me:" i checked your result liao, er.. er.." "Ha? how? very bad ar?"(sound very scare and sad) "No la, very good~" when he said very good still very suspicious because he always cheat me. "Reached the top ler ma?" "Almost, still have two more curve." Actually still have long way to go.

Okay, back to the result. He said the overall result to me first. I dont know whether it was semester or overall, cant hear clear. but when i get know the number, i was happy. Got increment. then he said:"your GPA, sem gred is x.xx" "Ha? x.xx? Me ar? the name is me or not? check correctly or not?" "Ya, i also hesitated. then i look and read twice to the name and result, ya really is you la." I laughed out loud at outside. very excited that time. then i went back inside office, just now im in front of UAT corridor, he read every subject gred to me, i laughed out loud again. Very excited. My dean list finally came back to me~ "Baby come back to me~ in my heart i still believe we are meant to be~" Paiseh, singing song of venessa hudgens. still unbelievable. Once i hang up the somebody phone, i fast2 call and told my mum at outside corridor, once again i laughed out loud.

After i cooled myself down, i know many of my coursemates must get very good result too. So er, i no more excitement but still very excited. Haha. although maybe this result is the worst for chuah, but is the best for me so far. I even cannot get this result in first sem. mayb i was still blur what im studying but actually until now i still blur of what im studying. second sem, worse a bit, maybe quite difficult? third sem, after moving out to rent house, and after somebody graduated, i became very lazy that semester, i know i didnt put my heart inside any subject. i know the result will be worse again. the forth sem, a bit more hardworking, but.. i watched many drama in this semester and this condition never appear lastime. watched all those tvb, taiwan dramas. i think have 3-4 titles. One of the projects got low marks and the subject needs a lot of memory in my brain(you know la my brain so small, my memory also small), so the subject gred also low. I think you all know which subject i mean de la.

thanks to those who helping me on that sem, really appreciate you all!!
Special thanks to Mama,Gohgoh, Papa, KitKit, ChooChoo, Ah Ooi, Fung Jun and all my friends..
You are the best!!

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