The Offer I Obtained

The previous Sunday midnight, I got two identical short messages from my friends. It’s stated:
“Keputusan UPU akan dikeluarkan pada 19hb Jun 2006. Taip UPU No.k/p & hantarkan ke 32300. hantarkan kpd yg lain yg berkenaan.”

I have no sensation and reaction with it even if I knew that possibly true. Maybe I had enough mentally preparation for the consequences?! Of course no la! In fact, the NTV news had announced the result of graduate lists will be released on the third week of June earlier.

I was going very nervous in the morning and sent a short message to 32300. I wondered why as well. The speed of responses is rather high. Within seconds the reply was coming. “Beep…beeps…”
“permohonan anda telah diterima dan sedang diproses. Sila semak keputusan pada minggu keempat bulan jun.”

Disappointed. I somewhat hoped the results could be released as early as possible. “Let me take pleasure in today first,” I thought. Well, I’m not prepared to veil that the pleasure I mentioned is surfing. Ha-ha. The higher education ministry website was running as usual and got zilch new announcement posted at the afternoon.

When I’m already be seated in the car, yet again two short messages came to my phone.
“What course and university you got?”
“Do you still keep in mind the exam code?”

“S-H-I-T ! The result was released already?! Why the reply I obtained that morning mentioned another way? Do I fall short of having a seat in any of the local campus? A short message was once more sent to the UPU. This time, the response of UPU and I are VERY different.

My response started from Happy, Perplexed, Excited, Disappointed and Panic again.
The short message went like this:
“TAHNIAH Anda berjaya ke KUSTEM. Kursus GC10 Teknologi Maklumat (Kejuruteraan Perisian)”

Let me make clear the expression I brought up above.
H-A-P-P-Y = Finally I got the good news (able to get in local university)
P-E-R-P-L-E-X-E-D = what is KUSTEM?
E-X-C-I-T-E-D = I got the information technology (software engineering) course! One major part of computer science which is my forth choice.
D-I-S-A-P-P-O-I-N-T-E-D = my dream to wear the white robe (the doctor or biologist wear) was broken. What I studied the last two years has zero links to this course. Almost zero except math.
P-A-N-I-C = Where is KUSTEM located? What does K-U-S-T-E-M stand for? Why I didn’t be concerned with this place before?

With my friend and brother’ conformation through its official website, the conclusion I could make is Terengganu. Why I have strong affinity with Terenggunu ?! I just came back from there last two years ago for national service and now have to go there again!!!!

Evolutionary Music Aficionado

There are lots of abiding fads accompanying me this few months. Music is undoubtedly being one of them. Well, the phrase “music aficionado” is too professional for me as I’m not adept in any of the musical instrument. “Mixed listener” is apter for this article but I feel the headline above is more chic. hehe.

During these half year long vacation, a big evolution of my music flavor has gone on me.
Chinese music was cup of my tea in the starting leave month. When the intriguing Korean dramas such as “The 19 Years Old Aunt”, “Beautiful Life”, “Save the Last Dance”, “Green Rose” and “My Lovely Sam Soon” were running on the TV screen, I was getting into their original sound-tracks. They are appealing to the ear indeed! The OST are hardly found in the web. Maybe they are not as familiar as those pop songs. I have used up my precious times and patience to search all of them.

The Korean fever has been over when the “My Lovely Sam Soon” came to a flawless denouement as the dramas coming up are not intriguing and couldn’t pull towards my attention. They are very tedious!

In the morning, I am fond of listening to the Hitz radio station, especially the Morning Crew program. JJ and Rudy are humorous and mischievous indeed. Both of them always play a trick on the callers. The Yes / No game and Gotcha Call make me laughing for all the games period. My mum curious why am I laughing once the Hitz FM switch on during in the morning. Hehe. Now she knew already and switch to higher volume when the two deejays are on air.

Surely, most the songs the radio station broadcast are very pleasant to listen to. I prefer listening to English songs for this time, particularly those songs which swing me most and make my heart pounding. The rhythm they composed is great, fantastic and really swings. With the skilled tune, I’m enjoying the songs! Even a young singer has a powerful tune, who I meant is Rihanna. Their music not bring to a halt at romantic song with plain rhythm but there are also various types of music like pop, rock, hip hop, rhythm and blue. I like alternative rock the most because of the musical instrument the groups play.

Some of the Chinese songs are too dull and plain. No doubt, there are some of the singers are endeavoring to make something new but failed, in my opinion. They like to follow that Japanese Style or Europe style. I’m going to fall asleep when I listen to certain songs and the tune of some artists is making me frustrated. Their voice are not unique and no technique at all. Well, my remark just aims at those are green and those who lean against their beautiful face with no actual potency. I’m disappointed with Chinese music in a definite period.

Until some of the Chinese vocalists with qualification released their latest album, I was come back to Chinese songs with no give up to English songs, of course. Maybe one day I’m getting boring to those English Songs, who knew?

The Da Vinci Code

In fact, I'm not going to write on this title during its hottest period. It will be quite boring when there are too many comments about the book and also the movie. Ermm, since it's going to cool down and as its reader and audience, I should write something about it, something which is different and fresh, I hope.

Well, whether the book or the movie, it has been a fever topic since its release as we all knew. However, the outline that touched on a murder and religious matter had once made me barely got interest in the story. I'm indeed not a good reader all the time. The Harry Potter series which are arranged properly in my bookshelf look upon me with favor always but I never endeavor to finish the books, not even one of them. Ashamed?

Until last month, I determined to read up the Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix. After some chapters, I was suddenly seized by a whim to read The Da Vinci Code up and left the Harry Potter aside. Hehe. I'm sorry, J.K Rowling. The reasons are hardly explained maybe? I'm going to explain however. (bleh)

Firstly, Dan Brown should thank to the media as it has well promoted the book with detailed report on the background of the La Giaconda's Smile and the legendary and clandestine conspiracy. Secondly, the contribution of Leonardo Da Vinci cannot be obliterated. In fact, his artworks are intriguing until lots of surmises have been brought about, especially The Last Supper. Thirdly, the truth of the Holy Grail is quite interesting to discover but (Here's a but) I am more interested in understanding the history of Christianity rather than excavate the truth.

The Cross is not my religious symbol and I don't know how it came to be. Ha-ha. I'm curious in everything except those related on history. Nevertheless because of this book, I became curious about its history. Before that, I thought bible is the only book the Christian read. Actually, there are still some versions of it, Old and New Testament and others which I'm not familiar with. Hehe, please forgive my torpor. I imagine this is part of the success of this book.

Before starting its chapters, I have made a promise or a vow to myself, that is this book must be finished reading in two weeks time before its first-run movie. Finally, the show has begun running and I'm still reading. Sob. I finished it a week after the movie began its run.

Actually, I had my grievances, i.e. I was busy accompanying my mum to somewhere and had business to be done. Accordingly, I had delayed my promise.

The next thing I'm ready to put pen to paper for is the praise on The Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown's imagination and the idea really made me admire him. The Fibonacci sequence which is a progression in which each term is equal to the sum of the two preceding terms and Hebrew alphabet with fold- over to break the code (SOFIA) gave me the deepest impression. They are really intriguing. I supposed the author had used lots of time and effort in the researches.

Dan Brown's explanation of the masterpiece - The Last Supper - is also quite logical in some cases, especially on the V shape and the colour of Jesus Christ's clothes and the man beside him who is actually John (Mary Magdalene in the book).

Of course, I stand on neither the book nor the truth side since I'm not a Christian or Catholic. hehe. As Robert Langdon said (forgot the precise text): as long as the one we believe on can give us the right guidance, it doesn't matter which the truth is or whether the Sang real should be revealed. (According to the book).

After commenting the book, I'm trying to talk about the movie. Engaging Tom Hanks as the main actor ? Many criticized the stiff performance of Tom Hanks. Still, I like Tom Hanks to be Robert Langdon and the role of Robert Langdon as Dan Brown described is matching to the performance of Tom Hanks.

I think the criticisms (but with good boxoffice business) was because of the director. Ron Howard couldn't bring out the essence of this book and he just hurriedly shot the film out. With the first Dan Brown book Angels and Demons to be shot soon, I hope Steven Spielberg will not follow the same old disastrous road.

Da Vinci Webquest
Da Vinci Webquest - Answer
Personality of The Issue - Leonardo Da Vinci

An ill-timed Execution

From the Tsunami happened the last two years, Rita and Katrina the previous year until the earthquake occurred just past a week, there have been uncountable folks met their deaths. The abrupt catastrophes happen unceasingly in all parts of the globe following with all sort of pestilences burst out, JE, insane cow disease, SARS, dengue fever, flu and mouth disease, bird flu. We are all living in a menacing globe, aren't we?

Obviously, the anxiety we faced is far more than that. The inflation rate had risen as a result of the increase in the prices of goods following the sharp fuel increase. I'm not blame on the rising oil prices of course. The RM1.92 per liter oil price will surely be boosted to the highest value because of scanty petroleum sources.

What made me aggravated is the escalation of power bill implemented by this month. Increasing 12% is a large amount for those factories. For those the bill are constant at between RM44-70, the rise is between RM0.03-3.30 .The reason of this implementation which was given by the minister is to nurture the frugal habit of using electricity to citizens made me don't know whether should laugh or cry.

Did they ever think over the consequences and the welfare of the public? With the rising of power bill, the prime cost of goods will also be added. The mounted prime cost will cause the selling price growing. The selling price of goods has increased once in the wake of rising fuel prices. Currently, the good prices have to boost again to avoid losing proposition.

I'm not against the raise of electricity bill. My feeling is this is not the suitable moment to burden the people again. The bill can be risen as much as they need but now is ill-timed. Maybe it can be promoted later when the people are getting used to current inflation rate? Don't you think this entire oil, pork, bill, goods, and food rise is burst out with a sudden like disaster and disease? How does our economic situation be raised? With the help of tourism? The Disneyland Company even doesn't have the consideration to build an amusement park in our country.

The residents in this country are fraught with challenges while TN faces this rising inflation rate without difficulty. This action is actually to hit us when we are suffering with tribulation. Why not the government implements an action to boost the salary of the employees? Ha-ha... I think this country can hardly improve with poor human capital and government. Sob.

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